Meet the Author

Marcy Bialeschki

Get to know the author behind the words and discover the journey that has led to her captivating books. Explore Marcy’s world, her inspirations, and the experiences that have shaped her as an author. Connect with her through her captivating stories and delightful personality. Whether you’re a fan of romance fiction or someone seeking inspiration for your own creative pursuits. MarcyB’s world of vibrant characters and relentless plot twists will captivate your attention and make you a fan.

Marcy Bialeschki, a central Illinois native, invites you to explore her world of romance and creativity. With an enduring passion for storytelling, Marcy’s journey as an author is a testament to her dedication to the craft.


One of Marcy’s unique projects is her collaboration with her late father on the book We Call Him Coach: Four Decades of Memories with Coach Dick McDonald. This local interest story is a heartwarming tribute to her father’s illustrious coaching career. The book, which they co-authored, is currently available on Amazon.

Educator and Writer

Marcy’s career has been a dual endeavor, balancing her roles as a high school English teacher and an avid writer. Over the course of 36 years in education, she’s taught everything from 7th-grade language arts to advanced placement courses and college-level English. Her diverse teaching experiences have greatly contributed to her storytelling prowess. Marcy’s dedication to teaching writing remains her favorite role.

Writing Challenges

As a writer, Marcy encounters various challenges. Creating steamy scenes, a common feature in romance novels, is no easy task. Marcy admits that it’s a difficult process, often requiring multiple rewrites to strike the right balance between description and subtlety. She adheres to the belief that “less is more” when crafting such intimate moments in her stories. Marcy confesses there are some words she won’t use in these steamy scenes because she strives to maintain a tastefully sexy tone.

Writing Habits

Marcy’s writing habits provide a glimpse into her creative process. Her favorite place to write is on her couch, where she finds comfort and inspiration. Her most productive writing time is around 2 a.m., a period of solitude and tranquility. The hardest part of writing her romance series was keeping facts straight and finding the perfect ending to do the characters justice and satisfy her readers.

Character Inspirations

In Marcy’s debut novel, Deception and Consequences, one character stands out as based on a real person. The owner of Coach’s Hall of Fame Bar is modeled after Marcy’s late father. The name of the bar, a significant achievement for her father, pays homage to his remarkable coaching career and his induction into the Illinois Basketball Coaches’ Hall of Fame.

A Family Life

Beyond her career, Marcy’s personal life is as enchanting as her stories. Marcy and her husband Vince met at her first teaching position in Cerro Gordo, Illinois, back in 1988. Their enduring love has thrived for 34 years, and they have been blessed with two amazing daughters, Abby and Andrea. They continue to reside in the picturesque rural town of Cerro Gordo, Illinois.

Guilty Pleasures and Inspiration

On Wednesday afternoons you’ll find Marcy at her favorite pub hand-lettering the menu board, a job she’s had for several years, and then enjoying a beverage afterwards. Marcy also likes to go out to dinner on Friday evening with her husband Vince. While she occasionally enjoys a fancy atmosphere, Marcy would much rather go to a casual restaurant or bar on these date nights. All of these places she enjoys have become a huge part of her life, and it is only natural that many of them are featured in her series.

Lean on Me

Small towns can dish out some big-time support. Through Marcy’s journey, especially the past few months, several people have played a significant role, and she’s extremely grateful. Marcy describes herself as a small town girl with a big dream. Pictured are just a few of the people helping her run that dream down and catch it!

Marcy and Jenny Brandenburg, a former student and bar manager at The Depot. Jenny has helped Marcy set up numerous events.

Gary & Kim Nein, owners of Bargenta in Argenta, Illinois. Bargenta is the original Coach’s Bar in Deception & Consequences. Gary and Kim are dear friends and have supported Marcy 100%.

 Angie Young and Marcy at Bargenta attending the Books & Brews event. Angie is a long-time friend of Marcy’s and considered a Super Fan, attending nearly every event scheduled.

Marcy and friends at a meet and greet at Country Junction in Clinton, Illinois.

Jane & Todd Henricks are attending a Books and Brews night at The Depot here. They are Marcy’s long-time friends, and Jane is another Super Fan, attending nearly every promotional event.


Connect with Marcy

Ready to connect with Marcy? You can reach out to her through various channels, from social media to email. Share your thoughts, ask questions, or simply drop her a line to discuss her work and your own creative journey.

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