The Dirty Details

“McDonald “Mac” Brunner”
People often ask me where I get my character names, and except for a few, I can honestly say, I just make them up. McDonald Brunner, however, is one of the exceptions. Mac’s name comes from my maiden name. I always thought that having a boy and naming him McDonald would be cool, but I had two girls. I guess creating an upstanding, handsome, hard working character with my cool name is the next best thing.
When I created Mac, I wanted him to be the dedicated, humble guy who quite unexpectedly falls for a woman he doesn’t think he’ll ever get. Pretty standard, huh? So, what makes McDonald “Mac” Brunner so different and so special?
First, Mac is developed as Aria’s soul mate long before she has any feelings for him. We watch Mac put all the other aspects of his life on hold to protect her and see her conflict to the end. From the moment he finds her on the side of the road, his world changes. Despite Aria’s early attachment to Simon, Mac rearranges his life to be her protector and is satisfied with his one-sided love as long as Aria is safe.
Mac’s priorities also make him unique. Once a dedicated work-a-holic, Mac’s world now spins around Aria. Mac is the guy who pines away and doesn’t expect anything in return. So when he does finally get Aria to fall for him, he’s just so damn grateful he would never jeopardize her love. He is truly a man who puts his woman first, always, because he wants to. And that’s what makes Mac— Mac. And that’s why we all love him so much.
Mac’s devotion to Aria, however, caused some plot issues along the way. He was so devoted and so in love with her that causing conflict in their relationship was emotionally painful for me. I pulled Mac through the worst of times and got him to his triumphant glory. I couldn’t stand the thought of creating turmoil in his love life. Aria and Mac found each other amid chaos and held on for dear life. How could I mess that up?
In Book II, Mac and Aria face some personal and relationship strife, and again, it was torture. And it must have been equally as painful for one of my readers who told me she had to skip to the last pages to see if Mac and Aria’s issues got resolved. Apparently, I’m not the only one who knows Mac and Aria are a package deal. I don’t like the idea of one without the other— at all. This is why I coined the phrase: “You’ll want a love like Aria and Mac.”
All this sappy romance, however, does not detract from Mac’s manly appearance and personality. His taunt, muscular frame and “rippling abs” that Aria loves so much, combined with his confidence and “take charge” attitude make him attractive and desirable.There’s no doubt about it. Mac is sexy.
Damn, Aria, you got the total package!
Mac Brunner was an absolute joy to create.