Nauseatingly Necessary
It’s no secret, if you want to gain any headway with your brand, your book, your social media stats— I don’t care what it is— if you want to see growth, you have to unabashedly, sometimes nauseatingly throw yourself out there, and that’s not my style. Therefore, I’ve been out of my comfort zone now for about six months since getting my four-book romance-suspense series picked up by Words Matter Publishing. Don’t get me wrong. I love the direction my exposure is going, but self-promotion is hard work, and there are no days off.
My journey as an author goes something like this—because I self-published at first on KDP, many people have read the first two books of the series. And now, because my series is being republished by WMP, everyone is waiting longer than they like to get on with the story. But trust me. It’s worth the wait! Soon you’ll be back on your fictional journey with your new favorite lovers. Unfortunately, that will take some time since Book I, Deception & Consequences, won’t be released until March 2024.
A lot of people ask me why it’s taking so long to re-release Deception & Consequences. Well, the release date is actually quite impressive for my publisher to accomplish, being as I’m not her only game in town. Additionally, there’s a lot of promotion and self-promotion that needs to take place between now and then. This is the step of the process most people don’t realize. Even I don’t know everything going on behind the scenes from a publishing aspect, but I can only imagine the media kit preparation, the endless connections with people in high places, the assembling of promotional trailers, and so much more.
Aside from what’s taking place at WMP, many people also don’t realize that I am swamped daily with the task of self-promotion, which is an uncomfortable but critical step in the process. My social media accounts are splattered with crazy videos, advertisements for sales events, and constant reminders that my book comes out in March. Honestly, I have no idea how any of it works, but I’m trying as best I can.
My evenings are filled with writing website content, editing copy, scouring the internet for book signing venues, and searching for the perfect merchandise to complement my series. I do all of this because I know that I am my biggest fan, and no one wants this dream more than I do. Therefore, I can’t sit back and hope something is going to happen. As I’ve said many times since starting this journey– I’m not just chasing my dream; I’m going to catch it!
But catching that dream, as I’ve already mentioned, is hard work. I don’t go anywhere anymore without pulling out business cards and asking people to check out my website and look for my book in March. This article might sound like I’m complaining, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I just want people to know how hard I’m working even though it seems like nothing is happening right now. I appreciate the patience of all the people who have supported me, shown up, and spread the word. That’s what it takes— a group effort!
So, hang in there. Big things are happening. And if you would like to help move my popularity along, share my social media content; the links are below. You can also join the Fan Club and sing its praises to your friends. The Fan Club discounts are a really good deal if you plan on buying the books and maybe some merchandise.
So, that’s it for now. Stay tuned!
Thanks Everyone!
I’m also on Tic Tok @marcybialeschki